Adaptive. Responsive. Anywhere.

The iVest+ platform works on most browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Safari, and Edge in addition to having downloadable Windows and Mac versions. We also offer native apps for iPhone, Android, and iPad/tablet devices. Our mobile apps are designed to mimic the features of the desktop and browser platforms with less screen space.

Built with the Future in Mind

We built the iVest+ platform in a way that feature upgrades and product deployment can work uniformly across all platform types, including desktop, web, and mobile. The platform is built to grow in the years ahead no matter what direction technology turns. Desktop apps use auto-updating technology to keep you on the newest version.

One Login for a Unified Experience

Each user has their own unique secure login which can be used in any environment with our array of native apps.

Your Broker.Your Choice.

Broker Integration

There is a good chance that you or your customers already have an account that connects to our product. We have integrated with the top names in the industry through various brokerage APIs. Getting started is simple, and if you don’t already have an account with one of these brokerages, you can typically open one in a day.